Electric Fencing 185 results

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Enhance your Property with new Electric Fencing Supplies from Sears

Whether you're sowing a garden or trying to prevent pests from taking a bite of your tasty vegetables, electric fencing can prevent pests from invading your gardening space. While landscape fencing can partition areas and add beauty to your yard, small animals can still find a way to burrow underneath or chew through soft materials. The subtle shock of an electric fence wire can prevent these pesky guests from harming delicate seedlings or digging up root vegetables.

Save time while installing your new electric fence with a kit that includes a charger, fencing wire and electric fence posts. Traditional chargers can be connected to a standard outlet, while solar-powered models offer extra versatility for garden beds that are further away from the house. Customize your setup with fence gate kits that make adding an entryway simple.

Aspiring farmers can contain livestock like chickens, goats, cows and more with easy-to-install electric fencing systems. The latest wire fencing might be adequate for deterring or containing smaller animals, but larger animals can bend and trample standard wire fencing without much effort. The subtle shock of an electric fence can remind larger livestock of their boundaries before they're able to roam outside the property. Protect your garden and livestock with new electric fencing supplies from Sears.